Transcendental Meditation and Its Positive Effects on Mental Health


Transcendental Meditation is a natural form of meditation that is practiced to keep the body and brain in a peaceful state of relaxation. Introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji, Transcendental Meditation is a proven technique to improve physical, mental, and emotional health. 

The TM practice involves sitting with eyes closed for 20 minutes twice a day. It is the easiest meditation form, and one can build a practice routine by joining transcendental meditation courses anywhere in India. Here are a few ways of how Transcendental Meditation can boost mental health.

Stress Relief

Stress relief is one of the key benefits of practicing Transcendental Meditation on a regular basis. Stress and anxiety are two reasons behind several brain-related issues, such as panic attacks, depression, oversensitivity, and lack of sleep. TM practice can help in stress relief by boosting brain coherence and balancing hormonal levels. It will allow you to calm down your compulsive and irrational mind, the base of all issues and disappointments in life. You will learn to let go of things that are out of your control.

Better Sleep Quality

TM is an effective and scientifically proven meditation technique for decreasing insomnia and sleep-related problems. Low sleep quality and insomnia can affect a person's physical and mental health. Practicing the TM technique daily is a great way to get better sleep quality. TM can help you to fall asleep faster and have 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep.

Boost Happiness

Dedicating 20 minutes twice a day to TM practice helps the brain release endorphin, which works as a natural pain reliever, allowing the body and mind to feel good and vigorous. Regular TM practice can also help to boost healthy and harmonious personal and professional relationships. It will eventually help you feel good and positive about your life, thus giving you inner happiness and contentment.

You can get all these mental health benefits with the daily practice of Transcendental Meditation. You only need to join the best meditation courses in India to learn the technique and build a routine.

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